Friday, October 23, 2015

Fall Break

Fall Break was fabulous! Paul only supervised one soccer game all weekend, and that was the only time he worked. It was a super fun weekend for the whole family. We had a blast at Evans Family Farm. We saw Hotel Transylvania 2, which I wouldn't recommend, but luckily the inappropriate things went over the kids' heads and they enjoyed seeing a movie in a theatre. 
Damon slept through the first half of the movie and ate a bottle the second half. I never thought I would take a baby to a movie theatre, but Damon was no trouble at all.
Paul gave me a girls night at a hotel with my sisters for my birthday. We went to a Home2Suites in South Jordan, got some dinner, and hung out all night. Al and I got to sleep in Saturday morning and have a delicious breakfast at the hotel. It was so relaxing and it's always really fun to spend time with my sisters. Thanks for the perfect present Paul!
The kids were so excited to paint pumpkins for our porch. We love doing this every year.
Tessa really did have fun, despite the glare going on here. She is really mastering the crusty looks!


  1. I'm so glad you guys got some family time.

  2. Great looking pumpkins and that's a good way to do them. Tessa and Rockwell look so serious about their painting!
