Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Rockwell Turns 6!!

Happy birthday to my favorite 6 year old!! 
Rockwell has been so excited for his birthday for so long. The poor kid had his birthday party with his friends all set for Friday at 3:00, and on Friday at 2:30 he was diagnosed with RSV. I thought I was running him into the doctor real quick just to get a refill for his inhaler since he had been coughing and wheezing since Thursday. I was floored to find out he had a fever and the wheezing was from an infection, not just running around in the gross inversion last week. Needless to say, we postponed the party, along with missing out on his family party at Grandma and Grandpa Ham's on Sunday.  He stayed home from school today and enjoyed playing lots of games, having popcorn (his favorite treat) for a snack in the middle of the day, and painting magnets with Tessa.
 Paul came home during our dance party. :)
And then Rockwell got to open his presents.
He was excited for his robot claw and all his pirate gear. We put it all to use and had a quick treasure hunt before cake and ice cream.
 He chose to play his new Mickey game with Paul for his activity. It was a fun evening celebrating this awesome boy!
Rockwell is such a cool kid. He's very responsible and aware of what needs to be done without being told. I remember a few months ago my mom and sisters were over for lunch. When we started preparing the food, Rockwell noticed we wouldn't have enough chairs for everyone so he went into the laundry room and brought out our extra chairs. Seriously, what 5 year old does that? Last Sunday Paul had a bloody nose and had put some tissues in his nose to keep it from bleeding. About 10 minutes after it had stopped, Rockwell brought him the box of tissues from the bathroom. He said, "Dad, I noticed you were using a tissue, so I brought you these in case you need more." He's very thoughtful and aware of others.
Aunt Mel gave Rockwell a Mickey Mouse game for the Wii for his birthday. It's tough for him because you have to use the remote and the nunchuck at the same time and he hasn't done that before. After playing it for a while yesterday he was still having a pretty hard time with it. Paul and I overheard him saying things like, "Barths always do it!" "I need to keep trying, like the little engine." and "Barths never give up. Never!" He was giving himself little pep talks and it sure made us smile.
 He loves the light sabers Wyatt gave him for his birthday. He added the light saber he already had to it and made an ultra light saber. :)
 He's an amazing brother. Tessa and Damon both adore him and think he's the coolest. I'm happy they have such a great example to look up to. We love love love you Rockwell!


  1. I loved the pictures and loved Rockwell's pep talk to himself! You have done so well teaching him to keep trying and that he can do hard things! He is an amazing 6 year old!

  2. A perfect description of an amazing kid! I LOVE the picture of him in the shirt and tie. You guys have done such a good job of teaching your kids to do hard things! Nice work!
