Saturday, June 10, 2017

Life Lately

Rockwell had his last soccer game today. He had a smile on his face through every game this season. It was fun to watch him play.

Damon loves to make people laugh. He makes faces at every meal, and just eats it up when we all laugh.

The shirt says it all. Rockwell was so funny when he saw Damon wearing this shirt. He kept saying, "Yes you are Damon. Yes you are!"

Now that May and the school year are over, Paul and I had some time to go on a date. We went to dinner and a movie. It was really nice to go out with my cute husband again.

I love finding the kids doing this.

Paul did a lot of work out in the yard today. Damon loved putting on his tool belt and helping Paul fix some stuff.

It's Hot

So far this summer has been so hot. We have spent a lot of time in the water to make it bearable. We love setting up the pool in our backyard.
We had fun jumping in, over, and through the water on the tramp.
Damon would laugh so hard every time we sprayed one of the kids.
We had fun with water balloons one afternoon.
Buffie and her kids came over to play this week. We got out the sprinkler and water table, and the kids had a blast.

Grandma and Gramps

Grandma and Gramps Clark came over and spent the day with us last weekend. They came bright and early to make it to Rockwell's soccer game. Damon loved kicking the ball with Gramps during halftime.
Brent brought a stump grinder and dug up 4 stumps in our back yard. We very much appreciate him coming all the way down here and doing that for us. Thanks Brent!
The kids thought it was awesome to watch the big machine. As soon as all the stumps were finished, Rockwell went and grabbed a shovel and started filling in the holes. Tessa wanted to help too.
The kids and I had fun visiting and playing with Grandma while Brent and Paul were outside. The kids love telling Grandma all about their lives, and love that Grandma plays games and toys with them.
Damon loves his new birthday toy they brought for him.
We're so glad they came and spent the day with us!

Friday, June 2, 2017

Memorial Day

Somebody made this display for all the soldiers who have died and are buried in the Orem Cemetery. I run by there most mornings, and it was very humbling every time I passed it last week. There were so many names and flags, and this is just one cemetery. I am very grateful for the service and sacrifice of those who protect our country, and their families.

Rockwell and I hiked the Salt Lake Overlook with my parents, Mel, and all their kids Monday morning. 
Rockwell doesn't look happy in any of these pictures, but I promise he liked the hike. :) It was one of those things that I'm so happy my son enjoys, since I love to hike so much. He kept up with us the whole time and never complained.
It's a beautiful view at the top.

We went to Grandma Ham's house in the evening for a barbecue. The kids loved playing with their cousins and grandparents. It was a great day.

Backyard Swimming

The kids have been wanting to swim in the backyard for so long. They were so excited that school is out and it is warm enough to do it now.
I'm pretty sure they could stay out there all day long and never get sick of it.

Everyday Adventures

Damon has been pretty generous with his hugs lately, and we all love it!

I got to go to Ataiya and Alexys' dance concert. They are so fun to watch. You can tell they both really enjoy dancing.
I went to Elijah's band concert. He had an improv solo with the Jazz Band. He sounded awesome! I love listening to a good jazz band. Both of his bands sounded really good, especially for a junior high.

We've enjoyed visiting and feeding the ducklings that are often in the canal by our house.
Today we rode bikes in the church parking lot and stopped to feed the ducks on the way home. All three kids had the same bloody knee by the time we got home.

I found this note on my shopping list one day. I love when Rockwell leaves me sweet notes!

Tessa and I worked on her ABC book throughout this school year. We finished it, and she knows all but a few of the letter names and the sounds they make. She carries it around everywhere now and LOVES to look at the picture of the puppy.

I heard Damon saying 'Cheese!' over and over so I went to see what he was doing. Tessa was posing and he was taking pictures of her with his phone. :)

It was so funny to listen to the kids and Eden playing the other day. Our trampoline was covered in stuff that drops from our tree. They all got a broom and cleaned it up. Rockwell and Eden talked about how they were doing Habit #7. They were synergizing by working together to clean the tramp off. I love that their school teaches those things!