Rockwell is doing track and soccer right now, and loves them both!
We signed him and Brig up to be on the same team, which has been fun for him. He's done great so far at trying to learn the game a little better. His team is really improving on spreading out on the field and working together. He was super excited though when he got a fast break and took the ball all the way across the field and scored.
He's really enjoying track. He's liked doing the standing long jump and the javelin at the last couple meets. Those are the only field events he's old enough for now.
He chooses different races at each meet. I love that he chooses the longer ones sometimes, even though he doesn't excel at them as much as the 50 or 100.
He and Addie chose all the same events at the meet this week. They had fun cheering each other on, and playing together in between the events.
He is an athletic boy and I love watching him!