Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Catch Up

I've gotten behind again, so here are a few fun things that happened in December.
We all had fun working on the puzzle, and finished it

Keith took Paul and Rockwell to a BYU basketball game with his boys. They were on the 13th row and had a great time.

We celebrated Alexys' birthday with the Ham Fam.

Paul and I went to Juanito Bandito's Christmas Carol with the Loosli's, Carr's, and Nielsen's. It was a great show that made us laugh and also had a great ending. I loved that he connected the story of Santa to Christ's Atonement.

The kids and I went to Elijah's basketball game. He's a great player and it was fun to watch him. The only picture I took was of Tess with the mustache she found in my purse though. :)

Rockwell had a few indoor soccer games. He loved getting to play again.

The kids and I went swimming with Al and her family. That was a lot of fun.

The kids hid Damon in a box of stuffed animals.

Tessa loved holding the baby Jesus from our nativity. 

Damon is moving out of this phase, but he sure was attached to me for a few months. He would cry every time I left, even when Paul was home with him. I ate many meals like this, with him holding on to me. We're to the point now that I can leave him with Paul no problem, and even a couple babysitters. I feel so much more free!

1 comment:

  1. So many cute pictures, where do I start. I love Damon with the stuffed animals, so cute. Tessa with the baby Jesus, so sweet! Damon and Grandma, so cute. I'm glad you documented Damon holding onto you, it is crazy what we forget . I'm glad you can eat without a child attached to you now!
