Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Christmas Eve

We spent Christmas Eve at the Ham's again this year. We have a lot of fun traditions that we do every year. We started off with watching the Nativity story and then acting it out. It was so cute to see Damon come out as a donkey.
Tessa had so much fun with EJ when we went to Elijah's basketball game. She was excited to see him again on Christmas Eve.
Next we did the grab box. The kids love getting a new book every year.
And we love the gift cards too!
Chistmas Bingo came next.
Jonah was so sweet to help Damon play.
Tessa and Hallee loved that they got the same prizes as each other.
We had dinner, opened presents, and visited. It was a fun, relaxing day. Thanks Mom and Dad!
Damon was so excited to wear his "Batman underwear" that Al gave him that night. Haha!


  1. Thanks Tiff! It was fun to relive Christmas Eve! Great pictures, especially of Damon as the donkey!

  2. I love the picture of EJ and Tessa! I'm so glad that Damon liked his batman underwear!
