Thursday, February 8, 2018


This boy! He is so stinkin' cute. I mostly love the stage he's in right now. He sings all the time. He can sing I Am a Child of God, Zipadedoodah, the ABCs and Twinkle Twinkle. Not sure why but he sings, "Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are doing up there..." every time. And his ABCs goes like this, "AbcdefghijklmnopqrstuvBYU!!" He also makes up songs for whatever he's doing: "I got an orange cup. Ya, I got an orange cup." Or "We're going to Macey's. Hoo ha! We're going to Macey's." He usually does a little dance while he sings too. It's adorable.
He's so funny when he reads books. On every page he says, "Once upon a time there was a..." and names what he sees on the page. He loves an Elmo book and just laughs on one page every time. "Once upon a time there was an Elmo who went potty on the toilet. Hahahaha!"
Whenever he wants to show us something cool, he enters the room yelling, "Dun dun DUN!!"
He makes this face all the time when he asks us questions. He is just so animated!
For the past two days every time I ask him not to do something he says, "I asked my daddy! He says I can do it!" So far apparently his daddy has said he can sit on the entertainment center almost knocking over the tv, jump on our bed and do a belly flop right at the edge of the bed, run into the street, and not finish his food at meals.
Oh Damon Boy! You make our life so happy and so fun!

1 comment:

  1. I love this post, you captured him so well! Damon brings me joy!
