Saturday, February 24, 2018

Everyday Adventures

We took bikes over to Paul's school on President's Day and then I took Rockwell and Tessa to see The Greatest Showman. It was a fun day!

We've got a lot of snow this week. It was fun to play in it with Tess and Damon on Tuesday.
Why do all kids love to eat snow?
Damon wanted to cuddle to get warm when we went inside. I liked that part best!

Damon loves Rockwell's double shot. He shoots hoops any chance he gets, and is getting pretty good at making shots now. Every time he misses he says, "Oh, dang." :)

Brig and McKay invited Tessa to a Preschool Playdate. Brig organized the whole thing for McKay and his friends. It was adorable! Here is their class picture.
They did a getting to know you activity, learning time, recess, snack time, and watched a short educational movie. They earned minion bucks that they could spend at the end for prizes. Tessa loved it.

Damon jumped from our ottoman onto the couch, and there was a metal flashlight on the couch. Ouch! Now all three of our kids will have scars on their eyes. Wonderful!

Rockwell had his friend birthday party on Friday. He invited Wyatt, Boston, and Brig and we went to Hang Time Get Air. 
They had a blast. They were pretty much just blurs the whole time, but I did make them stop once for a picture.
It turned out to be a super duper crazy day at work for Paul, so he wasn't able to make it home for the party. Katie joined me at Hang Time, so it was fun to have time to visit with her. The kids loved their rubber chickens from the party bag that I did instead of cake and ice cream.
Al was sweet and offered to keep Tessa and Damon during the party. They had a blast playing with their cousins and aunt!
Caitlyn and Jonah played chickens with Damon. So cute!

"Look Mom, I'm an angel." Haha!

Don't run into this kid in a dark alley! ;)