Saturday, March 17, 2018

Baptism Day

Rockwell chose to be baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints on March 3, 2018. 
It was a very special day. Our families and friends came to support Rockwell and show him how much they love him. Grandma Clark and Grandma Ham gave great talks during the program, and Gramps and Grandpa Ham were the witnesses of his baptism. We are all so proud of the boy Rockwell chooses to be and that he wants to follow Christ's example and commit to following Him throughout his life.

We went to Cafe Rio afterwards. That was a great way to spend more time with our family and friends, without being so stressed about a luncheon at my house that I couldn't enjoy this special day.
Gramps and Grandma stayed for Rockwell's basketball game that afternoon. Tessa and Damon had so much fun riding on Grandma's knees!


  1. Great post about a great boy!

  2. It was a great day, thanks for letting us be a part of it. I sure love Rockwell. He is a great kid with all of the ingredients for a happy, successful life!

  3. We sure enjoyed being part of his special day!
