Saturday, April 14, 2018

Grandma Betty

My mom called me the morning of April 4th with the news that Grandma Hawkins had passed away early that morning. She had been really suffering from Alzheimers the past few weeks and had told her kids that she was ready to go home. I was so relieved for her to be finished with the pain, but sad for us left here that are going to miss her so much. Grandpa passed away 16 years ago, and I'm so glad that they are together again. That's a long time to be separated from your spouse!

Mel, Al, and I decided to drive to Antioch for the funeral on Friday and come back home Sunday. It was a very fast trip, but I'm so so so glad that we were able to go. Her funeral was so beautiful and genuine. The music was just what Grandma would have wanted and the talks were full of love and really funny memories. I really felt like the funeral did her justice for how loved she is and how much she will be missed.
The cemetery where Grandma and Grandpa Hawkins are buried is absolutely beautiful. The scenery brings a peaceful feeling. There was also peace in laying Grandma's body to rest where Grandpa's body is too. The mortuary had a flower for each of the grandchildren to lay on her casket. It was very windy, so they lowered the casket and then we threw them down. We all spent some time there visiting and saying our last goodbye to Grandma.

The Hawkins wanted me to stand in for Haley since she's on her mission. I'm at least a foot shorter than Haley, but I can't wait to see when Jason puts her face over mine. :)
A friend asked me if I felt like Grandma dying on the same date as Jen was a tender mercy or kind of weird. On April 4th, it felt weird. It was a little erie getting a phone call from my very sad mom with the same news exactly 5 years later. That day was just a hard, sad day. But after Grandma's funeral, I feel different about it. It was interesting to be gathered for a funeral with all the same people 5 years later, but having a drastically different experience. I am so happy at the thought of Grandma and Grandpa being together again. Even though I am so sad to think about how long it will be before I see her again, I really am so happy for her. Grandma shared with me some very sweet experiences where Grandpa took care of her throughout these past 16 years. I can't help but be grateful that they're back together now. I hope that I feel that happiness on April 4th every year now, and there can be a little less sorrow.

The weather was horrible on the drive out to California. It rained the whole way, which made the drive really long. Al, Mel and I had a great time together though. Lots of laughs! We checked into our hotel when we got there, which Matt and Lori were staying at too, and then drove past Grandma's house. It was sad to see the changes that the renters have made. They cut down my favorite bush on the walkway to the porch. But it was fun to see it again.

We went over to the church where the family was getting things ready for the funeral. It was fun to visit with the family. The next morning was the viewing, funeral, burial, and then a luncheon. We were planning on leaving the luncheon early, but ended up being the last ones to leave with the Hawkins. It was nice to stay and visit with Jason and Jenna for a bit.

Al had a migraine at this point, so we got her situated at the hotel and then Mel and I went to dinner at the New Mecca Cafe. All the cousins from Antioch said it's the best Mexican food ever. It's right near the river, so it was a fun location. We got a table by the window and kept a lookout for Sinbad since he was performing at the theater right across the street. No luck though. :)

We drove home the next morning. It really was a great trip. I'm sure going to miss Grandma. I know she would have been so happy that everyone who could gathered and spent the weekend together. And I'm so grateful to Paul for supporting me and for taking such good care of the kids all weekend. We sure are lucky to have him!


  1. Beautiful post! I'm grateful that you feel like there can be happiness on April 4th in the future. I'd like to talk to you about the experiences that Grandma shared with you where Grandpa helped her. I'm so grateful that you were able to be there!

  2. Thanks for driving Tiff, you are a really good driver! I'm glad we could all be there.

  3. I'm so glad you were able to go and have such a sweet experience.
