Wednesday, April 18, 2018

More Life Lately

The weather has been crazy this spring. Whenever it's warm, I try to get outside with the kids. Damon and I have been slowly working on all the dandelions in our yard.
The kids spend a lot of time jumping and swinging on warm days.

This bubble machine is a wonderful invention!
We met Al and Hallee at a park one day. It was super crowded, but the kids didn't seem to mind. Tessa and Damon were adorable to watch. They held hands running around the park, and Tessa always made sure Damon was included with her and Hallee. There was one point when Tessa and Hallee were on the spinning wheel, but Damon hadn't gotten there yet. A man was starting to spin it and Tessa was yelling at him to stop because her baby brother was coming! He didn't listen, so Tess was literally dragging her feet trying to stop it so Damon could get on. So funny, and so sweet.
And then there are the snowstorm days. It amazes me how it can go back and forth every few days.


This boy. He keeps us laughing. We were at Costco and an older man stopped by us to look at the same stuff we were. Damon looked at him and said, "Hi mister!" The guy seemed to like that and they had a little conversation about shopping.

I called Damon up to his room to get dressed and when he walked in he got this look on his face and asked me, "Mom, why does your hair look like that?" I told him I just wanted to put it in a ponytail today and he responded, "I don't like it like that!" Thanks buddy! :)

Paul and I went to Whose Line Is It Anyway Live at Kingsbury Hall with Katie and Ben. We went to Red Robin for dinner before the show. It was such a fun date! We laughed the whole time. A night of nonstop laughter and great friends is so good for the soul!


We sure love going to Rockwell's soccer games.

He gets to play with Wyatt before practice on Wednesdays, and he loves that! They are just the best of buddies.

We picked Hallee up from school yesterday and had her over to play while Al was helping Kristin move. It was fun to have her over for the afternoon. Her and Tess are the best of buddies too.

We were so excited to buy The Greatest Showman last week. I love to watch Tess and Damon sing along and dance while we watch it.

I registered Tessa for kindergarten. It is going to be so hard for Damon when she goes to school every day. He is definitely going to miss her!


  1. Damon and Tessa are the cutest. I could watch them play together all day. Feel free to come pick our dandelions

  2. I love all the pictures of the kids and Damon is such a character! I do love how Tessa takes care of him!

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