Saturday, April 28, 2018

Everyday Adventures

Tessa had a field trip to the Dinosaur Museum this month. The kids always love going there.

Paul's school had a Dynamic Duo day during Spirit Week. Paul Barth & Joe were the duo PB&J

Damon is such a champ about going to all of his siblings' games, practices, and dance. We hang out in the van during Tessa and Hallee's dance while Al takes Rockwell and Wyatt to their soccer practice. He doesn't seem to mind being dragged around to all of their activities.
Rockwell has made some really great improvement in soccer this season. He's doing great with controlling the ball down the field. Their team is doing great at passing and working together. I think the big field and goalies has really been good for his skill level. He is still super fast and does a great job of being aggressive with the ball.
And he absolutely loves playing with Wyatt again!
Grandma Ham came to watch one of their games. It was freezing!
The whole team was at the game today, so we did team pictures. It's been a fun season.

We went to the dentist this week. All the kids got their teeth cleaned, no problem. It was adorable to watch Damon run over and hop right into the chair, and then hear him chatting with the hygienist and dentist. He looked so tiny in the chair and yet seemed so grown up!

Al took Tessa to watch Wyatt's program at school. She was so excited to go with them and to play at their house for a while.
We had Hallee over to play one afternoon when Al wasn't feeling well. Tessa has loved all the time she's been able to play with Hallee lately. 

Paul has done a lot of painting this weekend. He re-stained the whole fence and painted the swingset. It all looks great. 
Damon loved when Paul made the tree snow on him. :)

We went to Audrey and Jason's for a game night last night. It's always a good time with these friends!
The Jazz playoff game was on so we were able to watch that too. This is how Audrey watched the last 4 minutes. They were intense! :)

1 comment:

  1. Damon is so great about going to everything. Rockwell is an awesome soccer player, I love to watch him play. Thanks for taking Hallee again, she loved it! You are the best Tiff!
