Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Damon Turns 4!!

Oh Damon, how we love you! 
I can't believe he's 4 years old! But at the same time, I can. Damon has always seemed older than he is. Even as a tiny baby, somehow he seemed wise beyond his years (Or months! Or days!). We love to think back on when he was in the NICU with oxygen, and how he knew he was ready to breathe on his own and used his tiny newborn hands to take the oxygen off himself. 
Damon is hilarious. He quotes movies all day long. Some of his favorites are:
"Lucky!" from Napoleon Dynamite
"Oh poop." from Despicable Me
"Nachooooo!" from Nacho Libre
And my personal favorite:
"I could bury you alive.
I could pound your face!" from Dennis the Menace
He always refers to himself in the third person.
"Damon doesn't like yucky food."
"Damon wants to go outside."
"Damon is really good at soccer."
He starts most sentences with, "And also..."
He puts his pointer finger up when he talks all the time.
Damon loves to dance. He can't seem to help himself when music comes on. It's adorable. His favorite songs are Thunder and Uptown Funk. He loves to be outside, and he loves to play with Tessa and Rockwell. He keeps up with them just fine, and they love to play with him too.

Damon still just makes people happy. He really is so funny and his laugh and smile make you want to smile too. Mel said one time after listening to Damon enthusiastically talk about the mud water that he collects in the backyard, "Now that's joy! People are looking for happiness in this world, and all they need is someone like Damon."
I'm so glad I get to be Damon's mom! He really does bring happiness to our family.

His birthday was on Mother's Day this year. Paul and the kids gave me gifts first thing in the morning, and then we had a really nice day celebrating Damon. He was so cute all day. He went around singing, "Happy birthday to myself! Happy birthday to myself!"
The kids had a fun afternoon playing with all the new presents he got.
We went to my parents' house that evening to celebrate Damon's birthday and EJ's graduation from SLCC. When we got there Kyle said, "Hi Damon." And Damon replied, "Uh, it's birthday boy!" Haha :)
Damon loved getting even more presents there!
And he loved playing with his cousins.

Happy birthday Damon Doyle! We love love love you!


  1. You did get the cutest pictures of adorable Damon! He is just happiness and makes others happy! That's a real gift!

  2. Those pictures are perfect. Damon is so special, he always has been!
