Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Tessa's Dance Recital

Tessa had her dance recital on Saturday. She was so excited to perform! Once we had her costume, I took her over to Pioneer Park to take a few pictures. I love how they turned out!
She asked if she could do her yoga pose. :)
On this one I told her to think about Brian. :)
The parents got to stay and watch their class the week of the recital. I love watching Tess have so much fun dancing.
Dancing with Hallee really is her happy place!
She did great at her recital. She loves to dance on the stage and have so much family come to watch her. 


  1. I love the yoga pose and thinking of Brian! So cute! She is such a great dancer and so beautiful!

  2. You take the best pictures! They are perfect! Tessa is a beautiful dancer. I'm so glad that her and Hallee get to take dance together.
