Friday, May 17, 2019

Everyday Adventures

Tessa had her Kindergarten program the Friday I was at Women's Conference. I went home so I could see it, and then headed back to the conference. 
The program was so cute! They sang songs, recited poems, and had a cute video of all the kids and teachers. I loved to hear them sing about their 7 Habits. And the last song they sang was so sweet, about what kids need in life.
They also announced that Mrs. Farr will be moving to a different school next year. She has been a fantastic teacher for both Tessa and Rockwell. She is very good at making each child feel loved and important, and helping them to have a positive view of school their first year there. I wish Damon could have had her too!
Grandma Ham came to watch the program with Paul, Damon, and me. Tess loved having her there!

I went to the park with a couple friends, and Damon was so excited that he's big enough to do these double bars now. He wanted a picture so he could show Tessa and Rockwell that he can do it now too.

Rockwell made a basketball box game for his class's flea market. It was really fun to play!

At Damon's soccer practice last week, there was a horse-drawn carriage driving around the park. The man said he was getting his horse ready for a city party that was happening the next day at the park. He said the kids could have a ride, and they were so excited about that!
Grandpa Ham came to watch Damon's 2nd soccer game. He played great again. The other team was pretty good, but Damon got right in the action and scored four goals (and one for the other team. Whoops! :). Right before the whistle blew for the end of the game, Damon ran right in front of a kid who was about to score for the other team and kicked the ball out of bounds. It was a great defensive play!

I love to sit out on our rocking chairs and read until it's too dark to see the pages.

Damon's had a lot of fun with the water balloons he got for his birthday. The kids have played out in the water for a few days straight since the weather has been so nice.
I had to take some pictures of Tess in her cute sun hat we found at Dollar Tree.


  1. I love the pictures! Tessa looks like a model in her hat! Your children are so cute!

  2. Your kids are so cute and you get great pictures of them!
