Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Around Our House

I love seeing how the kids are sleeping when we check on them at night. :)

Tessa still loves bugs. She caught a grasshopper and carried it around with her for the morning.

Damon was "relaxing" while he rode this bike around the cul-de-sac.

Rockwell is such a great kid! When the kids got home from school the other day, Tessa asked why something was on the counter. I told her I needed to unload the dishwasher and then load all the dishes from the sink and counter. Rockwell walked over to the dishwasher and unloaded it. He is the sweetest! Tessa and Damon helped unload it too when they saw Rockwell doing it. I love that he's such a good example to his brother and sister. I told him he sure makes his mama's heart happy and proud. Later that afternoon, I was helping Tessa with her homework when the washer signaled that it was finished. Rockwell went and put the clothes in the dryer and started it. Seriously, I'm one lucky woman to be Rockwell's mom!

Tessa and I both wore our flag shirts for Patriot's Day.

Damon's favorite thing to do right now is play games. He loves Alphabet Go Fish, Animal Match, and Exploding Kittens.

Tessa has some great tricks on the swings. :)
I loved listening to the kids laughing together on the swings. They thought it was hilarious to all be swinging on the same swing.

Rockwell has been playing soccer with Provo Fury. His coach put their names on their jerseys.
He's enjoying it, and especially loves that Wyatt is on his team and that Kyle is one of his coaches.
Their team hasn't won a game yet, but Rockwell is learning a lot of great skills. He scored a goal two weeks ago, and was really excited about that. The teams they're playing in this league are definitely more challenging than the teams in rec league.

We went to the carnival at the kids' school last week. It was a rainy day and so the carnival was inside. We were disappointed because carnivals are so much more enjoyable when they're outside. The kids had fun though, and Paul and I survived. :) Rockwell and Tayvin went and played the games together and then Rock met us for dinner. We got to watch them play this basketball battle.
Tessa and Damon were so excited to see Cosmo.

Paul has been so busy for a long time now. He wanted to spend more time with the kids so he took Rockwell with him to show homes last week. Rockwell loved going to work with Dad. They went to Wendy's after the showings and got some food.
This week he took Tessa with him to show homes. She loved it too, and loved going to Wendy's with Dad afterward.


  1. Oh my goodness, so many cute pictures! I love all of them. The swing ones are adorable. Rockwell is so sweet. He is going to be the best husband. I love the smile of Rockwell and Tessa's face when they are with Paul, you can feel their excitement. Paul is such a great dad. You are both great parents and doing a great job with your family!

  2. Wow you got some wonderful pictures! I loved the ones of the children asleep! So cute! Rockwell is amazing for a 9 year old boy and you are blessed to have him be such a great example for Tessa and Damon! The pictures with Paul are great and I'm impressed that he'd take the kids with him! You've got a good one and you're doing a great job also!
