Sunday, July 19, 2020

Hallee's 8th Birthday Party

Hallee invited Tessa to her birthday party on Monday.
Hallee opened her present, and then Al gave each of the girls a basket with supplies for the party. Tess was so excited about the real make-up!
Elena did the girls' nails.
And Caitlyn did their hair and make-up.
They put on some music in the kitchen and had a great time getting all dolled up! Hallee wanted them to wear fancy dresses too, so Tessa put hers on and then Al took them outside and did a photo shoot.
I love that Tessa has a best friend in Hallee. They are sweet girls who love to spend time together. Life is better with a best friend!
This picture makes me happy. These girls are growing up, but I love to see that they're still so little too. 
Al took a few of each girl by themselves. I love these ones of Tess.
They had pizza for lunch and then watched Aladdin. It was a super fun birthday party!

The boys and I stayed over at Al's during the party. I loved getting to visit with Al and Lori, and with Cody and Jonah while I drove them over to the rec center so they could swim. Rockwell had a great time with Wyatt and Jackson. :)


  1. I agree, I'm so glad Tessa and Hallee have each other and I love the tree picture too! I laugh every time I see the picture of the boys in the jeep and the stroller. I loved looking outside and seeing that. Thanks for making Hallee's party so great!

  2. I love the pictures and your comments and I too, am so glad that Tessa and Hallee are such great friends! What a fun birthday party for them to be involved in!
