Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Summer Week 4

We've started the project of removing our garden boxes. We've lived here 5 years and haven't used them at all, so I think it's time to use that space for something better. It's a hot time to be doing this, but it feels good to do some manual labor again. The kids have enjoyed helping too.

Katie, Boston and Kenzie came over on Tuesday. My kids were so excited for them to come, and Tessa spent the morning collecting and making all sorts of pirate things for them to play with.
The boys had fun playing video games and playing outside. Tessa and Kenzie played pirates, house, painted, and used stickers.
They also had fun riding bikes with Damon. Katie and I were able to visit for about 8 hours while the kids played. Paul was working upstairs, but came down to bring us lunch and dinner and visit a little. :)

Damon has reached his last straw of patience for his broken arm this week. He has been so good about dealing with all of his restrictions, but he's just tired of it now. Tessa played in the pool and sprinkler on Wednesday, and Damon was so frustrated that he couldn't play too. 
He pouted on my lap for a while, then watched a show on my phone, and then decided to be happy again and ride this bike around. I don't blame him for being frustrated, 6 weeks is a long time to have a cast on!

Tessa had fun doing poses as she rode through the sprinkler on her scooter.

Rockwell said he didn't want to get wet, and so we played basketball instead. After a few games of pig, he decided to take his shirt and shoes off and cool off in the sprinkler too.

Damon is all about swords right now. He uses them for his "magical powers." He pretends he can use the swords to freeze things, or make them disappear. He also enjoys a plain old sword fight with Dad. :)

Marissa and Matt are moving to Colorado next week, and so the Robbins/Barth family had a reunion this weekend. Chad flew in from California, and Liesl, Ty, and Topher drove in from Chicago. They spent Saturday at Willard Bay boating and playing at the lake. Since Damon can't be in water or sand right now, we decided to just join in on Friday. We met the family at a park in Farmington and spent the morning playing on the playgrounds, playing pickleball and Spikeball, and eating lunch.
Then we hiked on the Deuel Creek trail in Centerville Canyon. It's beautiful up there.

There was a swing that the family had fun on.
There was also a great little pool right by the swing that the kids could cool off in.

On the way down the trail, I was hiking with Rockwell, Tessa, Tanner, and Brylie. Rockwell was in front and heard a rattle, and stopped real quick. There was a rattlesnake on the trail, and he was watching us closely. I was so grateful when Patrick showed up after a minute and used a big stick to get the snake off the trail so we could pass. That was scary.
After the hike, we headed over to Adria's house for dinner, a fire, and more time to hang out and play.

We're all going to miss Matt, Marissa, and Baby Asher.


  1. I love the swing pictures, that looks so fun!

  2. I'm sure Damon was so ready to get his cast off. That's so hard for a five year old to be limited like that! I'm glad you were able to have a fun reunion and see some new beautiful places!
