Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Aunt B's Petting Zoo

 We saw an ad for Aunt B's Petting Zoo when we went to see a movie at the Water Gardens. The kids all said they wanted to go, so we tried it out. Al, Wyatt, and Hallee came too which made it so much more fun!

There was an alpaca, a goat, a sheep, a donkey, and a pig wandering around the main area. The guinea pigs were in cages, but you could get them out to hold them. There were bunnies in a gated area and some chickens nearby. And there was a reptile area with tortoises and a bearded dragon. The kids loved that they could pick them all up and pet them. They thought it was great!
The kids referred to this long-haired guinea pig as the Rockstar. :)
I love this picture! I told Wyatt to smile and the bearded dragon totally looked and smiled. :)
There was also a room with two ferrets. 
The kids were seriously in heaven and have asked to go back lots of times since. Al and I were saying we hope our kids know how much we love them, and if they ever question it we can remind them that we took them here. Haha! It was hard to watch them get completely covered in hair and most likely step in their bathroom. Neither of us would ever choose to go to a place like that if it wasn't for our kids. :)


  1. What happy expressions on your children's faces! You can tell they loved it! Good job taking them there!

  2. No one can ever doubt our love for our kids. I love love love that picture you got of Wyatt and the bearded dragon!
