Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Playing with Christmas Toys

 I love the week after Christmas where the kids play with all their new toys. It's so fun to watch them enjoy their new things. Tess and Damon found gems and identified them.

Rockwell and Damon built their Lego sets.
Chad helped Tessa figure out her hair extension maker and she's loved creating and wearing those.
They've all made some cool marble rolls.
Rockwell's played a lot of games of chess.
Tessa's loved making plush dogs.
And they've been able to play in the snow and make penguins. :)


  1. Such fun! I'm glad they had so many fun things to do!

  2. I love watching the kids play with their Christmas toys. It looks like they got a lot of fun ones. I keep thinking I should buy my kids the gem sets, they look so fun.
