Sunday, February 26, 2023

American Fork Gymnastics Meet

 Tessa had her second gymnastics meet in American Fork. Hallee and Al came to watch, which Tessa loved!

She had a great meet! She took 5th on beam.
5th on floor.
3rd on vault.
And 1st on bars!! She scored a 9.8!!! It was amazing!
Her totals put her in in 3rd place in the all-around. She loved that this meet gave out trophies instead of medals for the all arounds. 
Arete took 1st place as a team!
Tessa and Morgan both had a great meet!
Hallee came home with us after the meet. They were begging to go shopping for matching Valentine's Day outfits, and I couldn't say no to those faces. :)
They found shirts that said Love on them, and then they also both bought themselves another shirt they thought was cute. It's so fun to have a bestie cousin live so close!


  1. I guess if I had read your blog I would have known the back story for the shirts. So nice of you to take them shopping but how could you resist those faces?

  2. We loved watching Tessa. She is so fun to watch and does such a great job. Hallee had the best day ever!
