Sunday, February 26, 2023

Rockwell Is A Teenager!!!


Rockwell turned 13!! I can't believe one of our babies is a teenager! Rockwell loves to play video games on his laptop, especially with his friends and cousins. They talk through the games or on the phone while they play, and it's his favorite thing to do. He still loves popcorn, and his new favorite candy is SweetTart Ropes. He enjoys school well enough, and even said "Math is fun" the other day. He'll deny this, but I caught it on video. Haha! 

He loves being a Deacon, and is really enjoying being president of the quorum. He likes the responsibility, even though he doesn't love the early morning meetings on Sundays. He's grumpy when he leaves, but always comes home happy. He's made good friends in the quorum and really likes his leaders too. He likes planning activities and hanging out with they boys, and girls, on Wednesday nights. And he always says his favorite part of being a Deacon is passing the sacrament.

Rockwell is proud of his mustache, he feels like it's coming in very nicely. ;) He cannot wait to be taller than me, and measures about 5 times a day. He is such a great older brother and is willing to babysit Tessa and Damon any time we need it. He loves to play computer games with Damon, and loves to wrestle and laugh with Tessa. 

He wanted to start off his birthday with some crepes, and Paul even went the extra mile and made him bacon too!

He said he had a great day at school, and even got to dissect a frog which he thought was so cool. He opened presents as soon as everyone was home.
He was hard to shop for this year, but I think he was happy with his scriptures, SweetTart Ropes, Magic Loop, Milky Ways, and Minecraft book.
His friends came over for his party and gave him nice presents.
Then we went to Top Golf. The twins were the only ones who have golfed before, and Ashton was so nice to teach them all how to swing the club.
They all got it figured out...and had a lot of good laughs when they didn't. ;) We got dinner and donut holes and had a really fun night! 
I'm glad Rockwell has good friends. It was fun to sit back and listen to them, they're funny kids! And I appreciated that each of them came and told me thank you at some point through the night. 
Happy birthday Rockwell! We're so glad you're in our family. Thank you for being such a nice, helpful, grateful teenager with a mustache!!


  1. Rockwell is an amazing young man and a great teenager! I didn't know about the moustache. I'll have to look the next time I see him!

  2. He is such a great kid. It looks like he had a great day. He definitely looks like a teenager and not a kid anymore.
