Monday, March 6, 2023

Tooele Gymnastics Meet

 We took a long drive out to Tooele for Tessa's meet. Morgan came with us because her mom was sick, and Tessa loved having her with us for the long drive. The girls did great!

She took 4th on vault.
And 3rd on beam.
2nd on bars.
And 2nd on floor.
She finished 2nd in the all-around!
And Arete took 1st Place as a team again!
Tessa and Morgan were worn out and fell asleep on the way home. So cute!
Morgan came home with us for the rest of the day. They were proud of the cup tower they built. :)


  1. You always get such good pictures of her. I'm glad she is enjoying the meets so much!

  2. Wow Tessa did great! I loved the picture of her and her friend asleep on the way home. I'll bet they were tired!

  3. Great pictures and Tessa did so well! Please congratulate her! I loved the picture of her and her friend asleep in the car and bet they were tired!
