Sunday, January 7, 2024

Christmas Dinner

We headed up to Grandma and Gramps' house for Christmas dinner. Paul made the turkey this year, and it was absolutely delicious!

The whole dinner was yummy as usual!

We exchanged gifts after dinner. 
Damon loves his new watch!
Tessa loves her new wolf Warmie and sleeping masks.
And Rockwell loves his own Barnes & Noble gift card. We immediately planned a shopping trip together with our gift cards. :) So fun!
Paul got some new blades for the edger, and we all got to choose the pieces for our new nativity set from Jerusalem. There were some real good laughs during that. Haha! Such a funny family!
It was fun to have Chad there for Christmas again this year!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm sure that Paul's turkey was delicious!!

  3. That turkey looks amazing. Paul is an amazing chef!

  4. It was a wonderful night of family, food, and fun. I'm glad you like the nativity from Bethlehem. It was so fun to make game of collecting the pieces.
