Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Christmas Eve

 Tessa helped me make Christmas mints for Christmas Eve. They turned out great!

We had quite the crowd at Grandma & Grandpa Ham's this year! 
It was sweet to stand with Grandpa as everyone was gathering for the prayer and talk with him about how the family is what makes him so happy. He said he feels bad that it's so crowded in the house, but he wouldn't want it any other way.
Rockwell and Wyatt thought it was pretty cool to eat downstairs. That's never been allowed before! Haha. Tessa and Hallee are enjoying having the teenage table these days! :)
I remember well the days of trying to hold babies while you eat, so I offered to hold Zariyah so EJ and Ofa could enjoy their meal together. I love any chance I get to hold her!!
She's just so cute!
After dinner we watched the Nativity movie and Grandma read us a Christmas story. Then we did the Grab Box. Everyone was very excited for their Cafe Rio gift cards!
Then it was time for Christmas Bingo.
We always laugh so hard during Bingo every year. I love it. 
Mel bought and wrapped all the Bingo prizes this year, and she nailed it for everyone. Damon had to come show me his prizes as soon as he won them. :) Thanks for doing all that Mel!
I helped set up the digital frame that all the kids gave Mom & Dad. It's been so fun to see everyone's pictures they've added onto it. I think Mom & Dad have been enjoying it.

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