Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Christmas Morning

 We had a great Christmas morning! 

The kids were all thrilled with the gift Santa brought for them. Damon loves the remote controlled Jeep, Tessa loves her gel nails, and Rockwell loves his electric scooter! It's so fun to watch them open their gifts. Damon loved the squishy monster that Tessa got for him.
Tessa was really surprised with her scriptures with her name engraved on them.
She loved that gift. It was really sweet.
Damon was so excited for the wireless headphones Rockwell gave him.
Tessa loved Evie's gift, a wolf figurine and a diamond art set. 
Rockwell asked for a new, soft blanket and was thrilled with the one I picked out.
Damon asked for a wolf blanket and was thrilled with his new blanket too.
Rockwell was pumped about the big Dr Pepper Damon gave him.
Damon has been wanting a mug since the rest of us each have a mug that we use all the time. I found one just the right size for him. :)
Tessa has been borrowing my eyelash curler for a while now, and was excited to get her own, along with some lip gloss.
Tessa loved the Christmas light headband Damon chose for her.
This is the winning Christmas morning picture! Rockwell had a stinky toot. I laugh every time I look at Rock's little smirk at making his sister have to cover her nose. Haha!
Rockwell and I didn't communicate very well before Paul took him shopping, and we both got Damon wireless headphones. Whoops! Now he has a back-up pair. :)
Tessa was really excited with her new dress.
And Damon loves his new hamburger slippers.
Rockwell knows Dad love love loves new socks. :)
And he picked out a delicious-sounding spice to try on steaks and hamburgers.
Damon got Paul a new serving tool for the grill. Paul practiced using it on Damon's hamburgers. Haha. 
And Tessa got Paul a gadget to hold his phone hands-free.
The kids each got me a new game. I love playing family games, so I'm really excited to try these.
There was an extra surprise for me in my stocking, a whole box of blue raspberry drink packets!! These are my favorite flavor, but they went out of production about a year ago. Mel found some hidden away at her house and gave Tessa a box to hide for me for Christmas morning. I mixed myself up one of those right away! They're so good. That was so nice of Mel to share a whole box with me!!
It was another great Christmas for the Barth family!!
Paul and I are going to get a new mattress for our Christmas gift to each other this year. We got each other a couple small things in our stockings though. I found a few new tools for Paul and some of his favorite treats.
And Paul got me a Barnes & Noble gift card and my favorite treats. 
The kids enjoyed playing with their new toys throughout the day.

Rockwell and his besties got some nice gifts for each other. Vincent gave Rockwell this hoodie, which Rockwell loved and put on immediately. :)
Audrey had this sign made for Rockwell. He thought that was so awesome.
 Rockwell and Audrey had so much fun doing the 12 Days of Christmas for Vincent and his family this year. They bought, wrapped, and delivered presents every day. I love that that is what they think is fun and choose to spend their time doing. Rockwell thought it was so funny to be hanging out at Vincent's and hear the kids asking their parents if the mystery people had dropped anything off yet that day. He'd come home and tell me, "They have no idea who it is!!" I love that Rockwell has such good friends in the neighborhood these days. They're all such nice, good kids.

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