Friday, December 30, 2016

Christmas Dinner

We went to Grandma and Gramps Clark's for Christmas dinner. 

The kids were excited to play in the basement. Grandma cleaned the whole thing out and it's just kid/toy zone now. They thought that was so fun! Damon loved playing on the stairs. That seems to be his favorite place to hang out there. 
He was also fascinated with the candles on the table. He got right up close to see them and then leaned back saying 'hot' over and over.
We all loved the present exchange. 
Damon was thrilled with his bobble dog! We were laughing so hard watching his cheeks jiggle while he was squealing with delight holding it and chasing after it.
Grandma and Gramps are always very generous. We loved our date night package, and really loved the card the movie tickets came in. They only had birthday card holders, so Grandma made do in a fabulous way! :)

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Christmas Morning

Santa came! 
Rockwell wanted to let Santa know that he has a Christmas tree in his room, so we wrote it on the note we leave with his cookies and milk. Santa must have read the note, because he left Rockwell and Tessa a hula hoop under their tree. Rockwell was so excited to come tell Paul and me! Our kids were so good this year, and Santa brought them super fun presents. Rockwell got a book to put his Pokemon in and a tin of Pokemon cards.
Tessa got a bike with a bell on it (she specifically wanted one with a bell), sparkly tassels, and a seat for a doll to ride in on the back.
Damon got a bike that is just the right size for him.
We were all so happy with everything we got, and loved to watch each other open what we picked out for them. Rockwell was so sweet and bought everyone presents at the Santa's Shop at his school. I took him there one night to do his shopping and he had already picked out what he wanted to get everyone. He took his own money and really got excited to find things that everyone would like.
Damon loved the Christmas bear Rockwell gave him. He gave it a big hug and then shared his cookies with it. :) 
Damon wasn't too interested in unwrapping presents. He pretty much sat on his bike the whole morning and let Rockwell open his presents and show him what he got.
Tessa loved putting on her lipgloss she got in her stocking.
And Rockwell LOVED the Pokemon shirt he got in his stocking.
Paul surprised me with Soul 2 Soul tickets. I have always wanted to see Tim and Faith in concert. I'm so excited for that! He also got me a FlipBelt. I went for a run today and absolutely loved it! You can put your phone and those water bottles in it, and you don't even feel them while you're running. It's amazing.
Notice the StressPaul in this picture. I couldn't stop laughing at how perfect that was when I saw it. Now Paul can take his stress out on that little squishy Paul, instead of himself. I love that the Paul is in the fetal position. Haha! :)
The boys had fun using their new lap desks while we got breakfast ready.
I love our Christmas breakfast. One of the few times a year Paul gets real bacon. :)
Damon got a spoon and fork in his stocking. They're the perfect size for him and it was the cutest thing to watch him using a fork to eat his meal.
Rockwell made Paul and me a present and card in school. The card was perfect! That's basically what every mom wants to be thanked for, and it rarely happens. I loved it!

Christmas Eve

We went to Grandma and Grandpa Ham's for Christmas Eve. It's a night full of fun traditions and yummy food. We always love Christmas Bingo.

EJ and Elijah joined the adults for Bingo this year, and we taught them all the appropriate responses to the calls: 'O Christmas Tree'-sing,  'I Nuts'-Ya you are!, 'I Parties'-You're crazy Grandpa!, etc. They picked it up quickly. :)

The Grab Box was a little overwhelming for Damon and Tess.

The chimes were a little overwhelming for Paul. Haha!!

Rockwell wanted to participate in acting out the Nativity for the first time. He was a wiseman and Dante was his camel.

Somehow Grandpa managed to fall asleep in the middle of it all. I don't know how he does it. I'm pretty sure this was even during the chimes!

Damon was super excited to discover Grandma's spoon/spatula drawer. He got right to cooking. :)

It's always a good time at the Ham's for Christmas Eve!


Paul's Christmas Hair 2016

Paul's school met their Sub 4 Santa goal again this year. Paul, the student body president, and the PAC president all shaved their heads. It really wasn't that big of a deal for Paul and the PAC president, but the SBO president is known for his blonde curls. It was a sad day for him and his mom, but I think it's awesome he did it. 
They stopped mid-shave with a Mr. T cut for Paul and bangs-only for the SBO president. They looked pretty awesome!
I must say I liked this year's hair better than the blonde from last year. He looks great with his head shaved. :)

Friday, December 23, 2016


Tessa cracks me up. She strikes a pose every time I take a picture now.
When I was trying to get a picture of her with her gingerbread house, she was going from pose to pose so fast, most of the pictures were just blurs.