Friday, July 15, 2016

Kids Say the Darndest Things

Paul and I often add 'Mc' to words, such as Cutie McPretty or Dum Dum McDummy. I know, weird. I blame Katie for starting this trend. Anyway, Rockwell has clearly noticed. He was telling Paul about a spider we had seen in the basement earlier that day, and he said, "It was Ugly McUgly!!"
Paul was microwaving some popcorn for the kids and Tessa wanted to watch it pop. As they were watching Tessa asked, "So the microwave gets them hot, and then they pop and get big?" Paul said she was right, and she said, "That's magical!"
I was getting the kids ready for bed one night and Rockwell told me, "Mom, you're the best mom in the whole solar system universe! That means you're the best mom on Earth, and the best mom on Venus, and the best mom on Pluto, and the best mom on Uranus..." Tessa cut in and said, "And MY-ranus!"
We were driving next to a semi truck with a bunch of cars on the back of it. Rockwell pointed it out and asked what that kind of truck is called. Tessa replied, "A carrier." I said she was right. Rockwell was quite impressed and asked her how she knew that. She said, in a very proud tone, "Rockwell, I know lots of things."


  1. My-ranus! I can't stop laughing about that one.

  2. I laughed all the way through the blog! Kids do say the funniest things and they are so smart! Wow!
