Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Stadium of Fire

Saturday night Paul and I went to Stadium of Fire with Al & Keith and Katie & Ben. Matt and Lori were there too, but we didn't get to sit by them. 
I love events focusing on patriotism and this great country we live in. The program is broadcast to troops around the world. I'm glad the soldiers can see the support, respect and appreciation us citizens have for them.
Tim McGraw was there this year. I have wanted to see a Tim concert since junior high. It was SO good! He is my all-time favorite artist, and he did not disappoint.
There was a great firework show after the concert. It was a super fun night.

We had our 4th of July bbq at Grandma and Grandpa Ham's on Sunday. Rockwell and Tessa held hands while Tessa fell asleep on the drive up there. My heart melted to turn around and see that!
Rockwell watched the big boys playing basketball for a while after dinner. He told me he really wanted to play too, but was a little nervous to ask. After a few minutes he worked up the courage, and of course they let him and Wyatt play. Rock has some awesome cousins to look up to. It was so cute to watch him. He took it pretty serious and had so much fun playing.
Tessa had fun with an app on Matt's phone where it makes funny faces. 


  1. I'm so glad we went, that was a great night. I love that they held hands in the car, so sweet!

  2. I loved the picture of Tessa and Rockwell holding hands in the car! How sweet and of course it would melt your heart! You have special children!
