Tuesday, July 12, 2016


Wyatt wanted to take Rockwell to Lagoon instead of a friend birthday party this year. A lot of my family was going on the 4th, so they took Rockwell that day. I decided to tag along too. :)
Some of us got the funny face memo, and some did not. :)
My goodness did Rockwell have fun with Wyatt at Lagoon! He was in heaven.
How cute are they waiting in line for the train?!
Grandma, Grandpa and I took Rockwell on a few rides that Wyatt didn't want to go on. 
You can't see Rockwell in this picture, but Grandpa took him on Puff. And Grandma took him on the bigger swings. 
Grandma and Grandpa stayed with Wyatt, Rockwell, and Hallee for a while so Al and I could ride some rides too. Wicked is always fun, and I got to try Cannibal. I made the mistake of riding the Screamer backward like I did as a teenager. I am not a teenager anymore! I felt quite sick after that.
It was a very hot day, and Al and I finally decided to go to Lagoon-A-Beach. Now that was a good decision! We felt so much better after cooling off. Katie and Ben were there that day too, and we met up with them in the water park. The boys were so excited to see Boston. Also, is Hallee not just the cutest?!
We headed out for more rides after swimming.
Rockwell got pretty brave toward the end of the night and tried the white wooden rollercoaster. He looks pretty nervous in this picture, but I think he had fun on it. I told him I would ride one more ride with him after Al's family left and he chose the sky ride. We got to see a lot of fireworks on that. It was a very fun day with Rockwell and my family.


  1. I'm so glad you guys came, it was so fun! Wyatt still plays with your present every day.

  2. Great pictures, especially the one of Rock and Wyatt with their arms around each other! Such a fun day, even if it was hot!
