Saturday, November 5, 2016

Around Our House

I got quite the scare one night when I went to check on the kids before I went to bed.
It was a quick moment of panic seeing Tessa's empty bed, before I found her engulfed in her animals at the foot of the bed.

We had fun watching Hallee one afternoon. She's such a cute girl.

Rockwell and Tessa love to help me bake.

We had a nice Saturday a couple weeks ago where we all played together outside. We played football, climbed trees, and rode bikes. I love those days.

I came downstairs one day and Tessa told me she redecorated. 
She took her baby picture from the bathroom upstairs and put it on the ladder, and moved the Christ statue to the window sill. Damon was a big fan of the change. Tess is such a funny girl.

Damon is a bit of a tornado lately. He is constantly climbing on things, making messes, and getting into everything he's not supposed to. He is a busy, busy boy!
One of his molars came through recently. He had a harder time eating while it was working its way through. One day he hardly ate anything, and then was up crying through the night. I wondered if he was starving, so I made him some waffles and rocked him while he ate them. 
He thought that was awesome! It seemed to help. He slept the rest of the night after that. 

Paul and I went on a date a couple weeks ago. We went and decorated Paul's office. He had a few things to hang up, and wanted some help making sure it looked good. 
Then we met Matt and Marisa for dinner at Red Lobster. It was a fun night with family and endless shrimp. :)


  1. I love the picture of you and Damon!

  2. You're such a good mother Tiffany! I love all the pictures!
