Wednesday, October 18, 2017


The carnivals at Paul's and Rockwell's schools were on the same day this year. And it was a super rainy day, so both of them were moved inside. I am not a fan of indoor carnivals. :) Paul's school wasn't too bad since it's so much bigger, but Rockwell's felt quite claustrophobic. The kids had fun though.
I love how Rockwell is waiting for Tessa in the first picture. He is always so sweet to Tessa. The thought doesn't even seem to cross his mind to not include her even when he's at a carnival with all his school friends. I love that about him.

Damon won the fish this year.


  1. Such cute pictures and what a sweet boy Rockwell is to wait for his sister! How did Damon win the fish? He sure looks excited about it!

  2. Are you saying the goldfish is still alive since I was there weeks ago? Love all the pics...
