Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Everyday Adventures

Rockwell got to go to Boston's birthday party at Bricks & MiniFigs. He loved spending time with Wyatt and Boston building and racing cars they built with Legos.
The kids and I went to Boston's baptism also. I'm so glad we could go and see how happy Boston was about being baptized. He's such a cute kid, you can't help but be happy around him. There were a lot of kids being baptized that day, so it was a pretty long meeting. Damon was trying everything to get out of there. He asked to go get a tissue and was very disappointed when I had one in my pocket. Then he tried telling me he had to go potty. I laughed out loud at that one. Eventually he just said, "Mom, I want to go home!" :)

Tessa and Damon loved helping Paul make some yummy peanut butter treats.
Rockwell loved helping Paul fix some sprinklers.

Grandpa Barth came to visit while he was in town for some doctor appointments. He took Paul and me to Endless Shrimp at Red Lobster with Matt and Marisa. It was fun to spend some time with them. 

Katie did a little birthday party for Kenzie. She looked so stinking cute in the ladybug dress ups that Tessa and Damon gave her.

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