Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Fishing, Motor Boating, and Hiking

Paul took Rockwell and Tessa fishing twice. Rockwell enjoyed learning how to cast the line and really wanted to catch a fish, but sadly nothing was biting either day. 
While they were fishing, Damon and I had fun playing games at the cabin and finding a small hike up the road. He loved climbing all over some fallen trees in a little meadow.
We all enjoyed riding in the motor boat. 
Rockwell loved driving it all by himself.
Damon was a little nervous when we first started going fast, but he quickly got over that. I had a death grip on his life jacket most the time because he just wanted to lean out as far as he could. :)
He and Tessa both loved feeling the water while we rode around.
Paul let them each have a turn driving the boat too, with a bit more supervision of course.
We all hiked to the bridge on the other side of the lake one morning. Rockwell learned a good lesson on why it's important to stay on the trail. He ventured onto some rocks that were loose, fell down, and got some pretty good cuts on his legs and arm. I ran back for our first aid kit, and after he was cleaned and bandaged up we kept on going.
We ate lunch by the bridge and then the kids were anxious to get back to play in the lake.


  1. I love every picture, they are all so cute! I love you holding onto Damon with the death grip!

  2. How fun for the kids to go fishing. I sure love the picture of Damon between the tree and I think a fence! That look on his face is priceless! It all looks like a great vacation!
