Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Running the Lake & Cleo's Bath

The trail around the lake is my favorite run ever. I ran it every morning, and never got sick of it.
It's so beautiful the whole way.
It's also very steep and a good challenge.
Over near the bridge there's a sign for the Cleo's Bath trail. I've seen the sign every time we go to Pinecrest, but haven't ever hiked it. Paul said he loved to go there and play in the pools when he was a teenager. I decided to try it one morning. I ran the trail as long as I could. Until it became like this...
Haha! It definitely got tricky to follow the trail at some parts. Thank goodness for those little blue arrows and rock stacks along the way! It was a beautiful run/hike and so much fun to be exploring new places. I could hear the rush of the waterfall for a while before I could actually see it. When I came over the top of the mountain and looked down on Cleo's Bath, it was absolutely gorgeous!
Everywhere you looked it was a different kind of beautiful, but this view was my favorite. You can see the lake off in the distance. I loved to be able to see where I started from and how far I had come.


  1. That is gorgeous! Good for you for exercising on vacation, I'm sure views like that helped!
