Friday, June 29, 2018

Fun Stuff

We met Katie and Audrey at a park last week. We all had so much fun. Tessa and Eva ran off as soon as we got there and were great buddies the whole time.
It felt like it had been a while since I'd seen Audrey and Katie, so it was nice to visit and catch up while the kids were all happy playing.

Paul was called to the High Council last month. Brent was able to come down and ordain Paul to be a high priest. We were glad he and Kristene, and my parents, could join us for that. The blessings Paul received in the ordination and setting apart were wonderful.

I got to go see Ataiya perform in Mary Poppins. She is so talented and fun to watch on stage. I love watching her do something she loves.
Al, Mel and I went to dinner before the show. I always love hanging out with my sisters.
Al went to the bathroom and left her phone during intermission. Mel and I left some selfies on there for her to find. The picture of Earl and my dad is my favorite ever! Ha! :)

Rockwell and I went to EJ's graduation party. He's sure a great kid who is going to be successful in whatever he does in life.

We were driving home from California on Father's Day, so we pretended last Saturday was Father's Day. The kids loved giving him their All About Dad papers and some treats.
Paul was very excited with his striping kit for the lawnmower. 
We love Dad and are so grateful to have him! He works so hard to support our family. He always makes time for us and makes us all feel like he loves us the most. Kristene and Brent were in town moving Cade into his new apartment, so all three of them came over for some steak tacos that evening. It was a great day.

Tessa and Damon were upstairs playing dogs one day. Damon came down like this and we all had a good laugh.

Liesl was in town and did a book signing at a library in Salt Lake promoting her new book Grump. It was fun to hear her talk about her book and visit with the family for a while that night.

This week Rockwell went to soccer camp at Timpanogos. We carpooled with Kylee. We've missed the Baca family since the ward split, and it was so cute to hear Rockwell and Kylee laugh the whole way home every day. 
Rockwell loved that the sprinklers came on at the end of camp every day. It was a nice way to cool down after running in the heat for hours. He won a candy bar for hitting a cone in the goal, and a water bottle for a different game they played. He loved seeing friends from school and playing soccer every day.
Tessa went to Kids Camp at her friend Bryce's house this week too. They did science experiments, art, learned about animals, and played water games. She absolutely loved it! 
There was an hour of overlap with kids camp and soccer camp, so Damon and I had some time with just us. It was really nice to have that time with just him this summer.


  1. I loved all the pictures and finding out what Tessa was talking about today when she said she made the box at kids camp. What a fun thing!
