Friday, June 29, 2018

Water + Kids = Happiness

We swam in the front yard one day. I love that the kids are happy with a kiddie pool and sprinkler. They have a blast as long as water is involved on a hot day.
They use our squirters, squirt guns, and water table all the time.
It's been very hot lately, so it's hard to be outside without being wet. The kids offered to fan me with these big leaves from our backyard. That plus them spraying me with the squirters makes it bearable. :)

We went to the Provo Rec Center with all the Ham cousins while Lori was in town. The kids loved that!

I took Tessa and Damon on the big waterslides. It was a lot of fun, but it was pretty cold out of the water and the lines were long so I only took them each once. Mel was so nice and took Damon when he wanted to go again.

My kids sure are lucky to have such great aunts!


  1. Those are great action shots in the front yard!

  2. this grandpa appreciates yout blog tiffany.its the only way I have to stay connected to your beautiful family.thank-you for making the time to take so many pictues and post them.I love watching my grandchildren grow up since I live far away and don't see them.

    1. I'm so glad you enjoy the blog Clay! Thanks for reading it and letting me know that you appreciate it.

  3. You did get some great shots of the children jumping into the pool! Great photography of some amazing children!
