Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Cabin in the Woods

We did another Ham Family Reunion on the Oregon Coast this summer. Kyle is home from his mission, and we went to hear him speak in church. We drove there on Saturday and decided to stay in Washougal, Washington that night. Al found a cabin there that our families could share. It was really nice to not have to worry about entertaining the kids in a hotel Saturday night and Sunday morning. The cabin was kinda in the middle of nowhere. It was beautiful there.
We could walk down a little path to a river. We were all so happy to be out of the car and spend some time outside.
We went down to the river Sunday morning too and skipped rocks, watched tadpoles, collected heart rocks, and had fun with family.
Kyle's church was at 1:00 so we were able to relax and enjoy the beauty before we headed out for Oregon.


  1. Thanks for staying with us, it made it so much more fun.

  2. It did look really pretty there. I'm glad you found a cheaper place to stay and a fun one!
