Thursday, August 30, 2018

Kyle Moves to Provo!

Gary and Julie's family came to town to pick Lindy up from EFY and to drop Kyle off at BYU. We had a family dinner at Grandma Ham's on Sunday. It was fun to see them all and hear a little about how EFY went for Lindy.
They headed to Bryce Canyon for a family trip and then came back to town on Thursday. Paul and I met them and the rest of the family in Provo Canyon to float the river. 
The river was much more full and swift than the last time Paul and I floated it. A few people fell out of their tubes, and it was really tricky to get back in after that. There is a bridge that is not safe to float under, you're supposed to get out and walk to the other side of the bridge to get back in the water. Grandma got out of her tube at that spot, and then the current took her under and she went underneath the bridge. Luckily EJ was right there and immediately went after her or I'm sure it could have turned out much worse than it did. She said she was at the mercy of the water for about 5 minutes before she could climb into EJ's tube, and it was terrifying. Poor thing! She had some bumps, bruises, and cuts to show for it. When Paul and I got to the bridge with Al and Gary's family, we heard from Dante, Jonah, and Jacob that Grandma had been taken under the bridge and that EJ had gone after her, but they didn't know if he had got her or what had happened after that. We were all quite concerned. Luckily someone caught up to the front group, and yelled the message back to our group that Grandma was okay. I was so relieved! Besides the few scary incidents, it was a fun adventure. Just maybe not as relaxing as the last time we did it. :)

Gary and Julie stayed at our house the rest of the weekend. We loved having them stay and spend the evenings together visiting. Ammon and Ashley stayed with us while Gary, Julie, Kyle, Lindy, and Jacob went to the temple. It was so fun to get a little extra time with them. 
After they moved Kyle into his apartment on Friday, we made steak tacos for dinner and then headed up to Leatherby's with the whole family. It was fun to see the Oregon Ham's twice this summer!


  1. I'm getting your blogs again!! Yay! I love the pictures and your description of what happened at the river helped me know what was going on with everyone and their concern! What a great family I have!!

  2. I am so grateful to you guys for staying with me on the river. I don't think I would have made it without you guys. You are the best!
