Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Birthday Party

Wyatt and Hallee did a swimming party in their backyard for their birthdays this year. My kids were so excited to go!
They had a pool, slip-n-slide and water balloons. All the kids loved getting Keith with the balloons.
Ready, Aim, Fire!
Wyatt and Rockwell were riding in their new jeep and drove right into a wasp nest that was under the trampoline. Wyatt got stung on his ear and Rockwell got stung twice on his eye. They went from laughing their heads off to screaming their heads off in a matter of seconds. They wanted to be inside after that, so we headed in for dessert, presents and a piñata. While I was getting Rockwell some ice for his eye, Damon got hurt and started crying too. Above all the crying Tessa said, "This party isn't going so well!" Oh Tess! Grandma took great care of Damon and got him feeling better.
The kids loved getting their own donuts and blowing out candles.
Rockwell and Tessa each chose a present they thought Wyatt and Hallee would love.
Al said, "Boys, show me your guns." Ha! :)
Everyone loved the piñata. Rockwell and Caitlyn's faces crack me up!
When they were gathering all the prizes from the piñata Tessa said, "This party is the best of my life!"   :) It was a great party celebrating my kids' BCFs. (Best Cousins Forever)

Hallee invited us to go bowling with her family and Mel's family on the actual day of her birthday. That was so much fun. 


  1. Thanks for making it the best birthdays ever for my kids! I love looking at all of the pictures again. Our kids are the cutest.

  2. I agree with Allison! You did get some great pictures and I laugh every time I'm reminded of Tessa's comments! She is so funny!
