Wednesday, August 1, 2018

The Ham Fam: Back 2Gether Again

Lori had shirts made for all the grandkids again. The front said Ham It Up and the back said Back 2Gether Again. Caleb is on his mission and Elijah was at church camp. We sure missed having them with us, but they were both out doing great things. 
Thanks for the shirts Grandma, Grandpa, and Lori! The kids love them.
Kyle is the oldest grandchild and Damon is the youngest.
I got a few cute pictures while we were waiting for the grandkid pictures.
The grounds at Otter Crest are beautifully kept. There are flowers everywhere you look. These ones were the kids' favorite flower.
We loved seeing squirrels, bunnies, and ducks around the property, and seeing whales and sea lions in the ocean. We were planning on doing a fire on the beach for dinner one night, but the wind made it so that wouldn't work. We used the grills instead. And even made s'mores on the grills too.
The cousins had so much fun playing at the park and on the grass near the grill. I love watching them all play together.
We certainly get a workout with all the stairs and hills at Otter Crest, but I just love it there. It's beautiful everywhere you look, and it has everything we need. 

We stopped at Cape Foulweather on our way home on Thursday. It's just about 3 minutes from Otter Crest, and has a beautiful view of the condos and ocean.

We stayed the night in a hotel in Pendleton. Mel, Al, and Grandma and Grandpa stayed there too. I took the kids swimming there since there was no wind. :) They had a great time swimming with their cousins and uncle Keith. It was Wyatt's birthday that day, so it was a fun little party for him in the pool.

It was another great Ham Family Reunion!!


  1. I love all of the pictures, but it makes me want to go back!

  2. GREat post! We sure have a wonderful family and I love how the cousins love to play together and have so much fun!!
