Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Otter Crest

After church on Sunday, we headed out to the coast. We stayed at Otter Crest again. It is just so beautiful there! I love it. I never get tired of the views from our balcony.
We unloaded our stuff and headed down to Otter Crest beach. We were all so excited to be there!
Our condo was right below Gary & Julie's and Mel's families'. It was perfect because we were close enough that our baby monitor worked, so Paul and I could go visit with the family at night after we put the kids to bed. It's so fun to all stay at the same place and have all that time together. 
We were all excited to play spike ball on the beach. I caught a great one of EJ diving for the ball. :)
It was very very windy the whole time we were there and I really did not want to swim in the cold and wind. Paul was amazing and took the kids to the pool all by himself twice. The kids absolutely loved it.
While they were at the pool on Monday, I went over to Beverly Beach and went surfing with Gary, EJ, and Kyle. It was a blast! Surfing is super difficult, but it's so much fun. It's so exciting every time you stand up and ride a wave. It's fun to watch each other and cheer for each other. There was one wave where all 4 of us got up and rode it. That was awesome. And when I would get tired and need a rest, it was fun to just lay down and let the waves take me to shore. :) I love spending that time with my brother and nephews!
We did an all day rental but the shop was closed on Tuesday, so we got to keep the boards and wetsuits until Wednesday at 10:00. Lindy used my suit and board on Tuesday and went out with the boys. She did awesome! EJ and Kyle went again Wednesday morning before they had to be returned. I'm glad they got all that time to surf. 
The other time Paul took the kids to the pool, I went into Newport and went shopping with some of the family. There were a lot of tourist shops and we went out on a pier to see the water. We could see jellyfish swimming and there was a man catching crabs. It was pretty cool.
We went to Yaquina Lighthouse one afternoon. We were hoping to take the grandkids picture there, but it was seriously so windy. Like miserably windy. We decided to try again a different day.


  1. I love that picture too! I'm glad you got to go surfing and that you all got up at once! That is way cool!
