Friday, December 28, 2018

Around Our House

Damon has quite the potty mouth right now. He just loves saying potty words. And whenever he says them, he covers his mouth and gets all wide-eyed, like he can't believe he just said that.
My favorite thing he says right now is 'I can't believe...' He says it like, "I can't-a buwieve..." It's adorable.
Tessa is doing awesome in school. She is sailing through her Sam Books and rainbow words. She has lots of friends now, and is happy to go to school every day.

Mrs. Farr emailed me this picture the other day. She said she just couldn't resist because they are so cute. A mom was reading the class a Christmas book, and Tessa and Brian cuddled while they listened. When I asked Tess why they were sitting like that, she said, "Because we love each other." I really don't know what we're going to do with her!
Rockwell is such a thoughtful kid. He absolutely always thanks us for dinner. He asks Paul and me how our days were most evenings. He'll ask about what we did while he was at school. He asks us questions about ourselves a lot, like what our favorite game was when we were kids. Or what our favorite things are to do now. It's very sweet.

President Nelson invited all the women to read the Book of Mormon by the end of the year in the last General Conference. Rockwell would ask me how that was going all the time. He'd say encouraging things whenever we'd talk about it. He'd tell me that he knew I could do it and I was doing a good job. It was adorable.

I finished a couple weeks ago. I loved devoting that much time and energy into reading the Book of Mormon. That's the quickest I've ever read it, and I loved the deeper understanding of the timeline and the common themes throughout it.

I went to Ataiya's play earlier this month. She was the grandma in The Addam's Family, and she was amazing!

Damon and I went to story time again at Barnes and Noble. He got to make a pirate eye patch. He really likes going to that.

The kids made up a game where one of them runs around with a net and the other two try to get a ball inside the net. They have so much fun with it, and it's hilarious to watch.

Rockwell got a book about weather, and it came with a little thing to make a tornado with 2-liter bottles. It was fun to try, but it leaks a lot so we'll save that for summer when we can do it outside.

Matt and Lori came to Utah for Thanksgiving this year. We all got together that Friday and hung out at Al's house for a while.

Jonah had a soccer game that day, so we all got to go watch. He had quite the cheering section!

Keith's mom got sick that day and passed away a few days later. Hallee and Wyatt came over to play one day while Al and Keith went to spend some time with her and the family. The kids had a great time.

Al and I are coaching Wyatt and Rockwell's indoor soccer team in Lindon right now. I'm enjoying it a lot more than I thought I would. It's actually pretty fun. The team has improved a lot already and are playing great.


  1. Great pictures! What you wrote about your children is so great! Damon is such a little cutie and it's wonderful that Tessa is doing so well in school and Rockwell is amazing being so interested in what you and Paul like and how things are going for you! What a sweetie to encourage you in your scripture reading! I'm so impressed!

  2. That first picture of Damon is adorable and hilarious! That is amazing that Rockwell is so caring at such a young age. His wife will be one lucky lady! All of your kids are so great and I love being their aunt! I think you were a little modest on our coaching. We are rockin it!
