Tuesday, December 11, 2018


Rockwell just finished another season of basketball in Provo. 
The league is a little frustrating with the inconsistency of rules depending on which ref you get. I could tell that made Rockwell a little unsure of himself at the beginning of each game. He usually played better the second half of the games, after he figured out what the ref was going to call and what he was going to ignore.
He loves playing with Wyatt. There was one game where the opposing team didn't have enough players, so Wyatt and another kid took turns playing on their team. Rock said it felt weird to defend Wyatt instead of working with him as a teammate.
Keith filled in as coach for a few games, and Jonah helped him at one of those games. I thought that was adorable.
It was fun to watch the games and cheer for Rockwell and Wyatt. They're both great players.


  1. Thanks for posting pictures since I didn't make it to any of the games! It looks like a good experience for them even if they weren't sure of the rules each game!

  2. Rockwell is such a great basketball player. He is awesome at getting the ball down the court and he has a great shot! I'm glad the boys don't have to play against each other!
