Sunday, October 4, 2020

School Week 6

Sunday was a fun day. There weren't any wedding preparations happening, and so we got a lot of time with the Ham's. We went to church together, and then had lunch and played outside for a while. I loved the various times that all the kids would play outside together. They had a blast playing ball tag, and would play it any time Caleb took a break from school. 

Ashley and Ammon hung around with us while Julie, Jacob, and Caleb went to visit with some friends. Rockwell and Ammon did MadLibs the whole way up to the Ham Fam dinner, and we all had some good laughs with those. :)
The cousins all had fun playing at Grandma and Grandpa's house.
Tessa and Hallee put on a coloring contest and even made ribbons for the winners.
They would say something that we all had to draw, and then would determine who the winner of each round was. Julie was named the 1st place winner of the contest! The girls are pointing to the ribbon on her shirt. :)

Julie and I went on a run Monday morning before Damon went to kindergarten. Damon thought it was the best that Ammon, Jacob, and Ashley wanted to play with him. He seriously felt like a million bucks!
Gary flew in that morning, and my dad brought him down to Orem. We all went to lunch and then made sandwiches for Kyle's reception. It was great to be able to visit while we did that. They were busy with more wedding things the rest of that day, and our little family was busy with gymnastics and soccer games. But we were able to visit more that night while Julie steamed everyone's wedding clothes and I practiced on Ashley's hair. Julie and Paul both commented on how they were able to talk with each other more this trip than any other time, and how much they both enjoy each other's company. I love that! I'll do a separate post for the actual wedding day. It was so fun to have the Ham's here for a few days. We all love it when we get to see them!

I went to see Roger & Hammerstein's Cinderella at the Scera Outdoor Theatre with my sisters and some of my nieces Thursday night. It was fun to go and relax, but it wasn't the best of the plays I've seen there. I think I had high expectations with how much I loved the movie as a kid.

We drove the Alpine Loop Friday evening to see the fall colors. I didn't love it like I thought I would love it. The road is so narrow, I really didn't think two cars would fit whenever we passed another car. It made me really nervous, which made it hard to enjoy it much. We got some Frosty's once we were out of the canyon, and we did MadLibs while we were driving. Now I know. I'd much rather hike to see the colors, than drive. :)

Grandma Ham came to Rockwell & Wyatt's soccer game on Saturday. They boys played great!


  1. Great blog and pictures. I'm with you on the Alpine loop! It is scary! I'm so glad that you got to spend so much time with Julie and family while they were here. That's great that Paul and Julie had time to get better acquainted and enjoyed each other so much.

  2. That's so great that you got so much quality time with Gary and Julie and the kids. I love reading about it and seeing all the pictures.
