Sunday, March 7, 2021

School Weeks 25-27

 I've gotten behind with blogging, so here are some quick highlights from the last few weeks.

We got a new picture and video of Fahima. That's always so fun! Oh we just love her!!

Tanner had a few hockey games in Provo so we got to go watch those. He's a great player! It was fun to see him play. He's in the gray, going for the puck.

On President's Day we got in the hot tub in the snow, and then went to Leatherby's. That was a fun day.

We had the February birthday celebration with the Ham Fam. Rockwell LOVES his penguin blanket!

We made another bird feeder and hung it on the fence in the backyard so we would be able to watch the birds from our windows. It's been fun to see so many different kinds of birds out there.
We had a good laugh pretending to know what all these quail were saying while they waited in line for their turn to eat. :)

Our kids had Friday off school and so we went and played at Katie's house for a while and then went to a park near their house. It was a really fun park, and the weather was perfect. We are loving the warmer weather and sunshine!

The kids and I sat in the hot tub while Paul was working yesterday. Tessa thought she was so funny stealing my drink. :)


  1. That's so cool that you heard from Fahima. We're still waiting on hearing from our Jennefer but hope we can soon. President's Day sounded and looked like lots of fun! You got some good pictures of the birds eating from your bird feeder and the ones lined up waiting their turns. That would be fun to watch! Great blog!

  2. Hot tub and Leatherbys, sound like a great day!

  3. I'm guessing that Fahima is holding a gift you gave her? I'm not sure I've ever been to Leatherby's. Looks yummy. And, I would never have thought that a family of quail would come to your bird feeder!
