Sunday, March 7, 2021

Zion Half Marathon

 Gramps invited Paul to run the Zion Half Marathon with him. They have been training and getting ready for a couple months. The race was on Saturday, February 27th. Sadly with Covid, Zion National Park didn't allow the race to happen inside the park. Instead it was about 50 minutes away in Apple Valley. It was a trail run, which I'm sure made it a harder run. But they both did awesome! They finished, and they did it faster than they thought they would.

It was a beautiful place to run!
Grandma, the kids and I were so proud of them both.
Nice work Paul and Gramps!!


  1. Nice job Paul, that is a great accomplishment!

  2. I'm glad they were able to run it together, and that we could see them come across the finish. Cool experience.
