Sunday, March 7, 2021

Zion National Park

 We spent the weekend in Zion's with Grandma and Gramps for the race. We met up in Beaver to have dinner at The Creamery on Friday.

The kids thought the hotel was so fun. It was a really nice hotel. Thanks again Grandma and Gramps!
The view from our balcony was beautiful.
There was a pool table in the lobby and Rockwell and I got to play a few games Saturday night.
After the race we went to lunch at Oscar's. The food was delicious, but there were a ton of birds flying around the outdoor part of the restaurant. One of them pooped on Damon's activity sheet and on his fork. After that, the kids had a hard time not worrying about the birds above their heads. :)
We went to a Rock and Gem Shop after lunch. Grandma told Rockwell he could choose rocks that he wanted for his birthday present (and bought a few things for Tessa and Damon too). Rockwell thought that was as good as Christmas morning! He loved searching for and weighing out the rocks that he wanted. He got some pretty cool ones!
We went into the Park on Sunday and hiked to Lower Emerald Pool. This was my first time to Zion's and I thought it was beautiful!
Lower Emerald Pool was pretty. It was cool to walk behind the waterfall.
It was great to spend the weekend with Grandma and Gramps, and to see Paul and Brent accomplish something really difficult!


  1. It looks so pretty. We need to go to Zions. I don't want to go to the poopy restaurant though.

  2. That was a great weekend! We need to do more family trips.
