Thursday, June 17, 2021

Gloria Falls

We went on a family hike in Little Cottonwood Canyon. I had seen a few people mentioning Gloria Falls recently, so I thought we could try that one. We read the comments on the AllTrails app and headed out.

It was beautiful and peaceful. We only passed a handful of other groups.
We crossed over a lot of little streams.
After we had gone quite a while, we realized this was probably not the correct trail. There was no sight of a river or waterfall. We headed back down the trail and tried a different one. :) The kids weren't thrilled about passing the parking lot and starting on a whole different trail. There was definitely some complaining on the second trail. 
We made it to a river and the kids were happy to play in the water for a few minutes. 
I ran ahead a bit to see if the falls were close. I followed the instructions on the app as best as I could understand them, and this was all I could find.
We called that good, and decided to head back down. We thought we were going to hike just under 3 miles, but ended up doing closer to 6 miles. We were disappointed with not finding the waterfall. We all actually enjoyed the first trail more than the second since it was less crowded and just as pretty. Oh well. It was still fun to get outside in the mountains with the family.


  1. Beautiful pictures of beautiful scenery! I'm sorry it was difficult to find the right trail but you got in a good hike, didn't you?
