Thursday, June 17, 2021

Summer Time

We went to South Fork with Al and Katie. It was great to sit in the shade and visit while the kids explored, built forts, and played in the water. Gramps was driving through the canyon and stopped to say hello, so that was an extra fun surprise!

We had a party to celebrate Alexys' and Ataiya's high school graduations. We're sure proud of these girls!
Alexys had an extra ticket, so I was able to go to her graduation. 

Damon is absolutely loving riding his bike without training wheels. He wants to ride it all day every day. 
As you can see in the picture above, he felt very confident on two wheels very quickly. :) We got him a bigger bike and he loves it!

Rockwell had his last track meet, and it was his best performance yet.
He jumped 12' 3" at the running long jump, and was really happy about that PR! He also ran the 100m in just over 15 seconds. It was a good way to finish the season.
Paul hung the hummingbird houses that he gave me for Mother's Day. Hopefully they'll make a nice home for some cute birds. :)

I decided to use fake succulents for the heart rock garden this year. We're running out of space for all the cute rocks we find, and so we can add them on the pea gravel now too. Plus it's drought-friendly since we're having a super dry year. :)


  1. Damon on his bike, what a stud! I love the rock garden! It was so fun to watch Rockwell at the meets.

  2. Great job Rockwell on his track meet and Damon on riding his bike! Very impressive in the picture! The rock garden looks great and it's amazing how many heart rocks you've been able to find!
